
Home – It is (Day 4)

. Friday, September 23, 2011

The feeling of  ‘everything comes to an end’ is pretty evident now. The context is not only the holidays but several social artifacts to which I am tied. Nevertheless this daily web logs looks interesting to me. I know someone would be hardly reading but who cares , these scripts are for me. In fact an information which I would like to divulge at this time is that ‘Web – Log’ was the source of what today is know as ‘Blog’. However Day 4 was not the best day. Tiring and frustrating and yes it was hot.

  1. Slept for 6 hours :(
  2. Everyone disturbed :(
  3. Wake up to an irritated and uncool temperament
  4. Vegetarian sad food (Courtesy – Thursday   :grr :grr !!)
  5. Irritating ‘Babus’ (Courtesy – Government Office)
  6. Their nonsensical lunch and gab sessions.
  7. Lots of useless formalities and worthless time
  8. Too much of running up and down the stairs
  9. A starved noon.
  10. Sad and Undulated roads.
  11. Lots of Sun
  12. Lots of Sweat
  13. No TV
  14. More Permutation and Combinations
  15. Less Probability
  16. 11 Minutes’ Half done

For the person silently following the feed “It’s Okay

More may be later. Still got to finish some problems and yea ‘11 Minutes’



