Not the best person who likes Idling in Office. I always tag myself as a lazy person but when it comes to workplace I always have been against idling around. yes I prefer to be a little sleepy in first half of the day, but that’s expected out of a guy who a year and a half ago did nothing better than sleeping. But since a couple of weeks the work has been a little less. Life’s been a integrated solution of ‘chill’ moments. Everything has been perfect, but this perfection is not the perfect thing for me. As for me I still like undulations. My consultant always says, if things are good there is definitely some issues and if there are some issues then things are good. and I definitely second that statement. All these weeks amidst the free hours i can see a dip in my energy my, B - School preps and my personal moods. Seems like I need a break
Since the project is drawing to an end and current assignment is over , I believe its time to move to next assignment. Before this I think I should visit home just to freshen up. May be a week of vacation shall serve the purpose. Raised a vacation request.
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