
The Party

. Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This is a quite a old page from my diary. This page seemed forlorn until today. So what was today that loomed this page large to my memory. To be very exact it was a party not the usual one; but the unusual one. Yes the unusual one ; not the one that we are acquainted with; but the less common one for some of the people reading this. This was a DOPE party. Ohh c'mon people neither am I not a jerk nor do i Dope.If at all you are having such thoughts [:P]. "Pass on the joint" as one of my friend said; i remembered the word - it seemed Déjà Vu. I thought "Have i heard it before. Where where where...whoa this is nuts man . I can't remember and IT happened to me then". Something like this happened before ?? As the smoke in the room was getting dense Metallica getting intense and people getting high - i noticed some vivid Pictures unveiling itself. I remembered the first party I attended. Yes the First Party - the first party.

11th August 2006, 9 days after i had landed in Pune. College was still 5 day behind schedule. The sound of the music was getting high. Room was smoke filled. A dimly lit bulb adorned the disc effect.Some cranky English tunes [which i had no idea then] was roaring. People were high. Two of them were sobbing; some were on a continuous roar of laughter[guess some nitrous effect]. Two were on their cell phones. I could see a whole lot of vivid face of Human character - perhaps i never imagined Life had this color too. As i sipped some coke in from my glass a whole new set of definitions fighting among themselves just unleashed. The definitions that were fighting for existence in my mind. The definitions of liberty; the definitions if party; the definitions of life.

I used to live on FC road then; a small paying guest accommodation rented by some of my old friend. Though the room was total wreck the warmth of people around me ; the feel of the same old days never made me feel home sick; I had 2 friends in PG and both luckily used to be my classmates when i was in high school. They had been living in pune for a year at least; and therefore had an advantage of knowing things better. This served my purpose coz i didn't have to hunt for a temporary accommodation. I was comfortable. I was enjoying. I was seeing things. I was beginning to understand that Life is more than being daddy's boy and mommy's lad. My admission to MIT pune was confirmed and so we decided to party. I thought we would go to some place with fine ambience; soothing music and palatable food. The idea excited me as i wasn't at too many places in pune. As the evening drew near the whole set of activity was evident in room. The bed were folded and the mattress were put on the floor. The dim light bulb was arranged and replace the brightly lit CFL. A music system was brought. Some of them were busy in fixing a bunch of wires making connections. They were swinking pretty hard "What is this.. Where we gonna sleep man"; i asked krist[name changed]. "Its a party dude.!!", he replied. "Okay is this all about party.. whoa whoa .. clear me brother. party in this wreck..have you lost it. Dude are u nuts"; i was getting crazy. Krist didn't seemed troubled. "Come outside; Let me get a smoke and i will explain You"; he brought me outside to a nearest tapri. He lit a cigarette and sucked up two puffed and offered me with a smiling face. "Are you freaked out man.. I don't smoke and you know that". " Sorry brother "; it just slipped put of my minds. "So are you gonna enlighten me about the party"; i was loosing my patience. "Oh yeah yeah.. see man we are gonna party get some good whisky.. smokes joints and some metal music and of course if we don't pass away may we can have some food too..". "What the fuck...?????" i cried .. "is this a party you call. its a freaking piece of show man.. its simply weird.. its wrong"."This is what a party is.. tell me you gonna have a beer or whisky", krist had this brilliant smile on his face which pricked me and made me more uncomfortable. "Thanks dude. but just get me a fucking Coke..." "Is that all you want?? you sure", krist asked politely. "yeah tats all as for now". "Okay as you wish..", he said and left.

The room was getting dense. Smoke, small talks , music chats all sort of things. There were in all 7 guys including me. As i sipped a swig of coke.. i thought why was i even sitting there. I never wanted this sort of party. My parents never wanted this. I am not drinking nor was i smoking .. so why was i even attending it?? Why was i even sucking that bad air. I moved out i wanted some fresh air. "I know man. You are feeling awkward..I am sorry", krist walked up and said to me. I knew he was drunk. "Its okay man".. i said..

"Hey c'mon man.. Where are you lost??", Krist said.. we are missing you. Suddenly i woke up from my quagmire of thoughts "yeah yeah i am here just remembered something.." It was 2:30 am, Some of them had passed out while a some of them were on verge of it. "Strange..!! ", I uttered and moved to my room to get some sleep. Its always a heavy feeling when you attend a booze party and you don't drink and smoke.. !!

Well we always have a choice. I made mine.. I knew i have to adjust. Living away from family teaches you a lot. It teaches you to accept something's happily. It teaches you to live without any grope. It makes you decisive. I have two set of friends - one set who takes pleasure in the type of party i described above while the other set enjoys moving out, music, food, ambiance; and as a mater of fact i respect both. I made some choices and i do not regret it. Its just over a course of teem you just see vivid shades of Human Life. Its just over a course of tym that you realize Life is more than the shell you have been.. It's less idealistic than you think and more realistic than you can imagine.


