
It’s Okay or Is it Okay ??

. Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last time I read something about this word, it was on my brother’s blog zone. Its been 2 years since he posted and the compulsion to read it again just emerged out of nothingness inside the human torso. He said,

The capacity of adaptability of a human being is just unfathomable. With every inch you move away from victory and closer  to hopelessness your mind fights it. Standing in the arena, fighting, you know it’s not gonna end all happily but still you  wait for a slight twinkle of luck to grace you and change things in your favor abruptly. But then miracles do not happen  that often. And when it’s all over and evident and even your mind and heart can’t play a trick you stand all alone in a     crowd of thousands not knowing whether to console or blame yourself for the loss. And then out of the blue your wisdom  creeps in and says to you sometimes losses are just inevitable.”


The fight has been severe, the wisdom is badly mutilated, the honor is ambushed. Simultaneous things happening just make it difficult to see that silver line of hope, may be of fortune. After all, by the end of the day every one is a human. Does that means I should accepts 'Its okay' or and as one of my friend says, 'To have a perfect balance the Bicycle should keep moving.' Or Should I keep challenging my efforts. He said,

"Deep down your heart you know its lunacy and you are just acting coward but then this is what you call it as adaptability and acceptance. As a matter of fact you know life has to go on and you are not going to get a second chance so you just got to live with your loss and you gradually do succumb to the best option available, adaptability and acceptance, killing all the voices that comes from your conscience with the sword of so called wisdom according to you."


Agreed to the fact that adaptability and credence is a a plugin that every one comes in with. Lots have been already killed and there is enough of bloodshed. The voices have turned cold. But then a whisper says ‘constantly question the status Quo.’ Complacency of defeat is difficult. Especially when the heart is so reluctant to accept it. Especially if once you were the most passionate of being to go ahead and chase your things. But then like every existent thing even your mind has a  wear and tear. The friction exist there too. Eventually you give up to. He said,

I don’t know whether this is the right choice or not especially when there is no other choice left for you but surely I do know the power of this choice. All of a sudden the grief and distress you are in seems to be combatable. You get the power to crush them with by just two simple words-“It’s OK”. Never one realizes the impact and influence of these simple words on human mind until and unless he says it to himself. It just acts so soothing to your heart and mind as if it has cast its own spell. It just makes you stoic enough to deal and live with your loss. And then gradually other things come by and the loss fades away from your mind or even it does pop up sometime in your dreams you just get up have a glass of water, recollect the reminiscences of the past, smile subconsciously and say …..“it’s OK”.

Clearly the choice is only static factor that ever existed, though we should understand that the asset you put into your choice actually decides if the status Quo has to be changed. Grief and Distress gets sublimed by the two words ‘Its Okay’. That’s how we always want. I remember how comforting it is for a child who failed in mathematics to hear those two word from his mother. Everything seems comfortable and peaceful to him. It used to be magic then and it continues to be a magic even now. The only thing that differs is the magic wand that cast this spell. So Much is happening around that, you at times loose grip of some of the deepest cogitations you had. May be you never prioritized it. May be we always end up asking ourselves “Its Okay or Is it Okay”

Nevertheless i would like to have a glass of water, recollect the reminiscences of the past, smile subconsciously and say “it’s OK”.


