
The beckoning.

. Sunday, July 10, 2011

I knew these things will never work, and here it is; one more thread just went off. I knew it was weak. I knew we were trying equally to keep it up; but holding but at times .. probably the hold is just difficult to maintain. A lesson today. Time moves on so with the passage of time, I believe we all should grow up. Just grow up or else you just become a history, outdated and coarse in nature; Significant but just unimportant. Probably I am keen on cutting these wounded ties. The problem wit the wounded ties are that they are so holistic in nature. The entire comprehension seems like a model of power. At time it demonstrated the duty, at times right and at times just simple sadistic pleasure that probably everyone will beckon.

Good it is ending , at least some ends are satisfying in long run. Intermittently painful but may be destiny just happens. May be time just happens. May be the beckoning never gets overshadowed. It just shows up. Nice and Shine. Bright and hard



