

. Sunday, June 15, 2014

The world is moving at a boisterous pace, with changes happening every passing moment of our life. Wise men have said that the all the changes taking place is for better, but then I am forced to cogitate, "Really, are all changes for the better ?" There are at times when the heart and mind inside the human torso battles hard to accept the changes.

Good changes are always welcome but then not-so-good ones are out there and too many in number. They exists like a heap of gravel of multitude dimensions. With time advancing at this brisk pace, the complexities involved are just being multiplied multifold. Continuity has been a part of life; mine as well as of yours. But then it comes with certain trade-offs.

As Balasubramina Pavani in one of his articles says - "Trees are felled mercilessly, giving way to majestic roads, which look beautiful. But the soul is missing. The shade of the selfless tree knows only to give and not take"

But sadly in this ever-changing rapid era, such sentiments have few takers. Great men say plant a tree, lesser men say chop it for it’s an obstruction. Had earlier generations thought that way, where would we have landed? Where would one rest under a hot summer sun?

Change and continuity is good and fascinating but are we willing to make so many trade-offs ?


