

. Saturday, June 5, 2010

We always hate what we do and always do what we hate. No big wonders. I know I should be studying for the last paper of end semester which is scheduled on Monday but then something happened and I am here albeit nothing big happened.

This is strange but then we all do it. We rise up from our bed and the first thing we do is log on to gmail account. But its facebook’s era so let’s check what is in there if any new request; new wall scribes; comments on the notification; how many people likes the post and blah and blah and blah .. Facebook perhaps we use it even more than notebook.. Tech world and Tech people .. O.o  Well that’s the morphological aspect of the new and dynamic world.

Well this is what I see... I see two people from my friend list liking.. “Maine Btech li and Btech ne meri li”. I don’t know if this post had become more extreme out of the unnatural sarcasm that we often try to exhibit or if it’s really the deep melancholic depression that we undergo. As far as I am concerned I am clueless. This has juddered my thoughts on this issue. For now I don’t have an answer for it... Let’s see if I can come up with something in next few days. 


