

. Sunday, October 16, 2011

Meeting people and making friends is something that has to do with destiny (like many things in our life!). We do tend to take ourselves and our friendships for granted and many a times do nothing to help it grow and flourish. Worse still, it’s now the generation of remoteness. There is SMS, emails, BBM, iMessage and the like of technology that teaches one how not to communicate in person. The conflict of adopting newer ways as well as keeping the good old ways is a balance that we will constantly yearn to strike.

One such colleague I met 6 years ago but we lost touch after a few years till destiny put us together again. Nothing changes, but we understand better about lost time and the preciousness of staying connected. We did plan to catch up for a chat and after about 6 months (yes, despite what I just said about realization!)  it was finally mutually convenient to meet for coffee after a hectic day at our respective work.

It was the beginning of monsoon and we started out without a clear plan. My Plans, never have been clear ever. That was the best part. We listened to wonderful soulful music in the car as we drove to a place we impulsively decided to go to. The old Bollywood numbers were a treat and we sang along like two kids under the blue sky. Music always reaches the heart irrespective of how good or moderate a singer one is.

Lighter and a bit soaked with the drizzle of rains and moistened with old thoughts we ambled into the very famous, a restaurant that was frequented by lot many lost people like me. There was no argument about what we would eat there. It had to be a Dutch truffle mildly soaked into the microwave heat. We relished it and waited for the aromatic filter coffee. As we sipped our coffee, we caught up on life and shared about how our lives have shaped up, what we aim to achieve and what we were not so happy about. The challenges we have faced and our hobbies. Pure sharing of thoughts knowing you can open up to a human you have known is such a wonderful feeling of freedom. That is what a someone you have known can be and no one can get into their shoes. It is said friendship is the purest & highest form of relationship. Personally not the best one to comment but definitely it is something.

As we drove back, happier at having shared and cared, we knew this was a moment in our lives that will be definitely mean something. We were destined & fortunate to know each other.


Shantanu said...

dil khush kar diya janab :)

