The sole purpose of education was to make us better individual, to build a up a society free from the stigma of caste, religion, and other factors which are so insignificant when it comes to differentiate a person from another. It's depressing to see that these stigmas still play such a big factor in people's lives. We talk about nation building, we talk about building up a free and liberated society, we talk about space, research, scientific developments, we talk about rapes and molestation but somewhere forget that the regional fundamentalism has somewhere still plagued our lives. We talk about so many things but fail to apply the same in our own lives, we fail to apply the things which we believed are wrong. It's always tough to stand for it but may be humans are born weak, may be humans were never strong.
I never understand why the educated class fall prey to these stigmas. The concept of empowerment and liberated thinking can never be re-inforced unless we apply it and free our own lives. I feel sad to see people around me getting convenient day by day, taking paths that are easy and can be easily justified. We are trying to justify our weakness by pushing ball to other people's court, wrapping our in-competencies in the delicious wrappers of easy to be justifed thoughts.
We have this thought. "I cant really do anything about it". Well let me tell you - if you can't do anything about it, if you can't fight against it, don't talk fancy stuff. High time we get our 101 courses correct before even proceeding to advanced levels. Better give a right to someone else to be educated, someone who can fight for what you are. Poverty and illiteracy aren't the biggest problem we are facing today, it's our daily compromises that we make which is the biggest problem we are facing today.
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