
The world’s toughest job

. Sunday, April 27, 2014

Work 24x7x365, with no breaks, no sick leaves, no personal vacation, no casual leave and of course to top it all no salary. Well this is how the job description is for what is the world's toughest assignment is. Yes the difficult of all, and somewhere down the line we all debilitate it. Mothers do that job

I was inspired to pen down my thought on this subject after I saw an advert that went quite argumentatively viral on Facebook. I even liked it one one of my friend's wall. I even tweeted about it and got a couple of favorites and retweets too. One of the comment on the video read "awww".  Frankly, that’s the only non-lexical filler I could utter after watching the video.

So after watching the video my mind kind of went into the orotundity of thoughts. I kind of experienced a slideshow of all the things that my mother did for me. Staying up late when I was struggling with high temperatures, bearing the brunt of my father's disgruntled mood when did something wrong, wiping my biological waste and throw up (sorry I was too novice to the world then). And then there have been times in my teenage when I shouted back. "Mom you don't understand !" And then few years later I realized Don't understand what ? She understood my emotions and perturbation when I was nothing but a bag of protoplasm wrapped under skin and bones that only produced non productive and useless sounds. But that is different right ??

The story continued. She was there at the most joyous moment of my life. When I scored distinction in boards examinations, when I topped my XIIth, when I cleared my National Defense Academy exams. When I got placed with 3 other companies and then later ZS. And the she was there at worst times also - when I missed my IIT-JEE marginally (which I only came to know about it much later and yes apparently I was too a JEE obsessed kid), when I did not fare too well in CAT (never was CAT obsessed though), when I decided to leave National Defense Academy (the toughest of all). Of course even my father was supportive too (I do not intend to undermine his role) but yes somewhere I have a special room for my mother. They say, you don’t understand things fully if you can’t express them in words. Well I don't understand my mother. She gives me all that lip smacking chicken and I happily gorge on it and then she come up with chapati and dal. I ask her why and she replies "Oh I know you like chicken so much. I am fine with dal for my dinner" I doubt if I would do the same if I were in her place. I seriously think am I so selfless. May be selfless is the least virtuous word I can ever use to describe her.

And then I slant out of my car window (yes there is a 180 second red light at a traffic signal) and see mother everywhere. A cow feeding its baby, a bird feeding it's offspring with pre digested food, a day worker, along the roadside, toiling all day and feeding his girl child with rice mixed with dal. Words fail beyond that point. I wish I could say to entire world that my mother is the best ! But wait, no , not just "my" mother. Invariably every mom is the best. My inside heart made a sound "mummaa" The girl-child at the signal cried along with me. I realized the traffic signal had turned green and I moved on.

Last month I was back home during holi and while musing over an ibnlive article, I fell asleep on my bed, with a packet of Lays in hand and my laptop over my belly. I woke up in the noon - in my bedroom, with the empty Lays packet in the trash bin and the laptop neatly kept on my study table for charging (with lid slightly folded to cover the keyboard, lest dust settle on the same). I smirked "magic does exist in these otherwise obvious world"


